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Company Tax Return

Hassle-free Company Tax Return Services

Our expert tax agents provide quick, easy and hassle-free services to prepare and lodge your company tax return. Our services are designed for small businesses such as sole traders, companies, partnerships, and trusts. We offer advice on how to minimise your company tax and ensure that your business is tax compliant. Our team stays abreast with the latest tax laws and helps you adjust to regulatory changes to avoid audits and penalties.

Our Company Tax Return Services

  • Preparation and Lodgement of Company Tax Return
    We prepare and lodge an annual company tax return with the Australian Taxation Office for you. Our team ensures accurate reporting of income, expenses, deductions, and other financial information as per the Australian tax laws.
  • Tax Planning and Advice
    We offer you strategic tax planning advice to minimise tax liabilities and optimise tax outcomes. We will identify tax-saving opportunities, incentives, and concessions you can avail of under Australian tax laws.
  • Compliance Review and Assurance
    We conduct comprehensive reviews of financial records and transactions to ensure you comply with Australian tax laws. We also perform risk assessments and internal audits. We identify potential areas of non-compliance and implement corrective measures.
  • Fringe Benefits Tax Return Preparation
    As an employer, you have to report and pay Fringe Benefits Tax on non-cash benefits you provide to your employees or the families of your employees or other associates. We advise you on what benefits FBT will apply. Our team will prepare and lodge FBT returns for you. We will also help you determine your FBT obligations and optimise your Fringe Benefits Tax reporting and compliance process.
  • Goods and Services Tax Compliance
    We help you maintain compliance and minimise GST liability. We advise you on GST treatment of transactions, input tax credits, and other GST-related matters. We prepare and lodge Business Activity Statements. Our team enables you to calculate GST liability or refund. Our tax accountants ensure all the necessary information is correctly reported. We review your transactions to ensure GST is maximised with all GST credits refunded that are due.
  • Payroll Taxes
    We ensure you meet your payroll tax obligations. We calculate and report payroll taxes to the relevant state or territory revenue office on your behalf. Our team performs audits and annual reconciliations and helps you with monthly payroll tax returns. We efficiently prepare payroll tax forms and lodge them on time. Our team ensures you comply with payroll tax laws and regulations, including registration, reporting, and payment obligations. Our services include Pay-As-You-Go Withholding, employee share schemes, fringe benefits tax, payroll tax, superannuation guarantee, and other such taxes.
  • Tax Compliance Support
    We offer support on tax compliance matters, including record-keeping requirements, documentation, and reporting obligations. We respond to ATO queries, audits, and requests for information on your behalf.
  • Tax Dispute Resolution
    We support and represent you in resolving tax disputes, objections, and appeals with tax authorities. We also prepare submissions and present evidence on your behalf.

Need Help In Filing Company Tax Return?

We offer tailored taxation and accounting services. Our expert tax accountants prepare and lodge your financial statement and company tax return and ensure you are always compliant. We streamline the process to prepare your company tax return, BAS, IAS, and other government forms. Contact us to learn more about our taxation services.


A company tax return reports the company’s financial position and business activities for the financial year to the Australian Taxation Office. You must report your annual income, expenses, balance sheet, tax offsets and credits. Your company income differs from your personal income.
All companies must file company tax returns, including not-for-profit and foreign-owned companies. Even if your company did not earn profit or had no tax liability, you still need to lodge a company tax return.
You will need to provide your company’s financial statement, bank statements, invoices, and other relevant documents.
The costs depend on the size and complexity of your business.
You may be penalised if you miss the due date for lodging your company tax return.
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